
New 🚀 Sticker in the Buildkite Shop

Everyone's favourite illustration from the Buildkite website has been repackaged and deployed as a set of transparent stickers, ready for you to launch onto any surface you choose ✨



You can order your own set of 🚀 stickers from the Buildkite Shop.


Link to jobs from annotations

You can now link directly to a job from a build annotation! 🔗

Animated 2018-12-13 at 13.44.40.gif

This should make the annotations generated by neat annotation generators like test-summary-buildkite-plugin and rspec-buildkite all the more handy.


Upload user avatars and organization icons

You can now upload a user avatar directly on Buildkite. 🤳🏻 You’ll find the option to either drag-and-drop, or browse for an avatar in your Personal Settings!

Setting your Avatar

If you don’t upload an avatar directly, we’ll continue to use your Gravatar, or if you use Buildkite via Single Sign-On, the avatar from your SSO provider.

Finally, organization admins can find a new option to upload an icon under Organization Settings. 🖼 That icon will be used in the organization switcher, as well as shown alongside Single Sign-On prompts.


Elastic Stack for AWS v4.0.0

We've released a new major version of Elastic Stack for AWS.

The Buildkite Elastic CI Stack gives you a private, autoscaling Buildkite Agent cluster. Use it to parallelize legacy tests across hundreds of nodes, run tests and deployments for all your Linux-based services and apps, or run AWS ops tasks.

The new version is focused on moving the underlying instances to Amazon Linux 2, which brings with it modern versions of systemd amongst others.

Check out the full release notes at and let us know what you think at


Autocomplete for your pipeline.yml files

The Buildkite pipeline schema is now available in the JSON Schema Store and on GitHub, allowing you to autocomplete and validate your pipeline YAML files as you write them 📝✨

Video showing autocompletion of a Buildkite pipeline file

Any editor extension that supports RedHat YAML Language Server will automatically pick up support, including:

If you’ve built your own dynamic pipeline tools or plugins you can use the full JSON schema in your tests, or to validate your pipelines before uploading them to Buildkite.


New Screencast: Docker

There's a new screencast available at 🎉

The Docker screencast walks through a Docker workflow in Buildkite: building, testing, and deploying an image to production. The pipeline and code you'll see in the screencast are also available on GitHub:


You can check out the Docker screencast, and all the others, at


Agents prior to 2.0 are no longer supported

Some of you may not know this, but Buildkite actually used to be called Buildbox! We changed our name back in December 2014.

From today, BUILDBOX_* environment variables won't be generated for new jobs.

We've confirmed there are no agents running this version connected to Buildkite, however we can't tell if you're referencing any BUILDBOX_* environment variables in your build scripts. If you are, please update them to use their BUILDKITE_* equivalent.

You can see our environment variable documentation for a full list of current job environment variables.


Canceled builds now show who canceled

We've just shipped a small update to the build page to include the user who canceled the build 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️


And if your build was canceled due to Build Skipping (e.g. if you’ve enabled "Cancel Intermediate Builds") we'll show that too:



Beta: Defining Pipeline Build Steps with YAML

We've just shipped a new beta feature giving you the ability to define your initial build steps using the same pipeline YAML format that you use in source code.

This means that you can now configure trigger steps, block steps with input fields, and plugins independently of your pipeline’s source repository. YAML steps will become the default for all new pipelines once the beta is complete.


Head on over to your "Pipeline Settings" page to convert your pipeline to YAML Steps.

You can read more about the feature and give us feedback in the Buildkite Community Forum


Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication for user accounts has just been released 🚀📟✨

You can find two-factor authentication in the sidebar of your Personal Settings. Set up your One Time Password with your favorite authenticator application, and don't forget to save your recovery codes somewhere secure 🗃💾💿



Docker Plugin v2

Buildkite Docker Plugin v2.0.0 has been released, and includes:

  • Support for multi-line commands
  • A new command option for using single-binary/command line Docker images
  • Windows container support
  - command: 'dotnet publish -c Release -o published'
      - docker#v2.0.0:
          image: 'microsoft/dotnet:latest'
          always-pull: true

See all the details, and upgrade instructions, on the release notes:


Blocked Builds

Build pipelines that finish with a click to unblock step now have a new state: Blocked! 🚧

You'll see some nice new icons across the Buildkite website and the build will now show as "Blocked" in notification services.

Blocked build view

Pipelines view including blocked build

Slack emoji notifications

For now, webhooks and the API are unchanged so we don't affect your existing integrations. Keep an eye out for these changes in a future update to the API!


Buildkite Agent 2.2

We’ve just released Buildkite Agent v2.2 (Brangelina) 💑💔

So what's changed since Buildkite Agent 2.1.14?


  • :golang: The buildkite-agent binary is now built with Golang 1.7 giving us support for macOS Sierra
  • 💨 The agent now talks HTTP2 making calls to the Agent API that little bit faster
  • 📦 The binary is a statically compiled (no longer requiring libc)
  • :amazon-ec2: meta-data-ec2 and meta-data-ec2-tags can now be configured using BUILDKITE_AGENT_META_DATA_EC2 and BUILDKITE_AGENT_META_DATA_EC2_TAGS environment variables

(Possible)? Breaking changes

We've removed our dependency of libc for greater compatibly across *nix systems which has had a few side effects:

  • We've had to remove support for changing the process title when an agent starts running a job since it required libc to work. This feature has only ever been available to users running 64-bit Ubuntu. We'd like to bring this feature back in the future in a way that doesn't have us relying on libc
  • The agent will now use Golangs internal DNS resolver instead of the one on your system. This probably won't effect you in any real way, unless you've setup some funky DNS settings for

The release has been published to the Buildkite package repositories. For instructions on upgrading your agent please see the Upgrading section in the corresponding section of our installation documentation.


Improved organization invitation system

Today we’ve shipped some changes to simplify the Buildkite invitation system, including revamped invitation emails, automatic email address verification and a new screen for you to double check invitations before accepting them.

You can get the lowdown on our Building Buildkite blog post 🌟

Buildkite Email Invitation


Buildkite Agent 2.1.14

Update: We accidentally introduced a bug in this release. Please upgrade to the latest agent instead.

It's a cold winter's day here in Melbourne, but never too cold for new Buildkite Agent release: v2.1.14 (Frosty) ⛄️

What’s new since v2.1.13?

  • 🔍 SSH key scanning should be more resilient, whether or not you hash your known hosts file
  • 🏅 Commands executed by the Bootstrap script correctly preserve positional arguments and handle interpolation better
  • 🌈 ANSI color sequences are a little more resilient
  • ✨ Git clean and clone flags can now be supplied in the Agent configuration file or on the command line
  • 📢 Docker Compose will now be a little more verbose when the Agent is in Debug mode
  • 📑 $BUILDKITE_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE now accepts multiple files separated by a colon (:), like $PATH

The release has been published to the Buildkite package repositories. For instructions on upgrading your agent please see the Upgrading section in the corresponding section of our installation documentation.

For a full list of what's changed see the GitHub release page :octocat:


Elastic CI Stack for AWS

Elastic CI Banner.png

To make it easier for you to setup a build stack on AWS we've released the Elastic CI Stack for AWS ⚡ a pre-built CloudFormation stack that gives you autoscaling based on build metrics, centralized CloudWatch agent logging, and S3 bucket support for configuring pipeline secrets.

You can read all about it on our new blog Building Buildkite, the GitHub Readme or our step-by-step guide.


Export build pipelines as YAML

Transitioning your build pipeline definitions from the web into your source control used to mean rewriting them by hand, which in same cases could have taken a while and made you a sad panda... :sadpanda:

We wanted to make this transition easier, so we've given you the ability to export your pipelines as pre-formatted - ready to rock and roll - pipeline.yml files 🌟

So now you can turn this...

Example Buildkite Pipeline

...into this...

  - command: ".buildkite/"
  - command: ".buildkite/"

  - wait

  - command: ".buildkite/"
    branches: "master"

You can find the new export feature over on the Pipeline Settings page...

Export Pipeline as YAML

Check out our Uploading Build Pipelines guide and pipeline.yml documentation if you'd like to learn more about you can do with pipeline definition files 📖


Buildkite now available as a Third-Party Component

If you use you'll be pleased to know you can now find Buildkite in the Third-Party Component list, so when Buildkite experiences an outage (which is hopefully never) then your StatusPage will automatically update. Such automation! ✨




Buildkite Agent Homebrew Updates

If you’ve installed the Buildkite Agent using Homebrew recently you might have noticed warnings about the use of SHA1:

$ brew install buildkite-agent
==> Installing buildkite-agent from buildkite/buildkite
==> Downloading .../buildkite-agent-darwin-386-2.1.13.tar.gz
Warning: SHA1 support is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Please switch this formula to SHA256.

Well, we’ve updated everything to use SHA256. Installing using Homebrew should now be slightly less eventful 🎉

We also noticed that installing the new Buildkite Agent 3.0 beta using homebrew’s --devel flag wasn't quite working, so we’ve fixed that too! 🍻


Skipped jobs are now hidden by default

To make it easier to see which jobs were run in a build and which ones were skipped, we’ve updated build pipelines to hide skipped jobs by default ✨

No more seeing a disabled 🚀 step in a pull requests’s build pipeline 👏

If you want to see what jobs were skipped you can use the “Show skipped jobs” button on the right hand side of the pipeline 👀


Once you’ve shown the skipped jobs you can hover over them to see why they were skipped:


We’ve also added the ability to add branch filter patterns to block steps so you can hide these too (and a new skip property to manually skip a step):

  - command: ".buildkite/"

  - command: ".buildkite/"
    skip: "Linting is currently broken, skipping for now"

  - block: "Deploy to production"
    branches: "master"

  - command: ".buildkite/"
    branches: "master"

For more examples check out the updated Build Pipelines agent documentation and the Uploading Build Pipelines guide.


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Buildkite Pipelines


  1. Pipelines
  2. Pipeline templates
  3. Public pipelines
  4. Test Engine
  5. Package Registries
  6. Mobile Delivery Cloud
  7. Pricing

Hosting options

  1. Self-hosted agents
  2. Mac hosted agents
  3. Linux hosted agents


  1. Docs
  2. Blog
  3. Changelog
  4. Webinars
  5. Plugins
  6. Case studies
  7. Events


  1. About
  2. Careers
  3. Press
  4. Brand assets
  5. Contact


  1. Replace Jenkins
  2. Workflows for AI/ML


  1. System status
  2. Forum